Saturday, July 21, 2012

The High Art of Handling Problem People...

Dealing with difficult people is a special skill—and an increasingly necessary one.

Is someone making you  feel that you are the problem? Do you doubt your own perceptions? Feel thrown totally off balance by another person? Find yourself acting crazy when you're really a very nice person? Manipulation comes in many forms: There are whiners. There are bullies. There are the short-fused. Not to forget the highly judgmental. Or the out-and-out sociopath. But they often have one thing in common: Their MO is to provoke, then make you feel you have no reason to react—and it's all your fault to begin with! Read more

Blood Fat May Be New Biomarker for Alzheimer’s...

A new study suggests an elevated level of a certain kind of fat in the blood is associated with the development of Alzheimer’s. Researchers say that screening for the fat, called ceramides, can help authorities launch protective measures to mitigate the impact of the disease. Read more

5 Ways to Get In Touch With Your Inner Bitch...

I don’t know about you, but for the longest time, I was afraid of my inner bitch.

In the old suppressed, sexist tradition of ‘you’re either a whore or a saint’, women are too often taught that we are either ‘nice’ or ‘bitches’ and never the twain shall meet. Read more

Monday, July 2, 2012

Let Go of Regrets...

A recent study published in the journal Science suggests that persons who don’t dwell on missed opportunities may have more satisfying later years. The German study involved healthy young people in their twenties, depressed older adults in their sixties, and healthy older adults in their sixties. Read more