Friday, March 28, 2008

10 Deadliest Drugs Approved by the FDA

10 Deadliest Drugs

Approved by the FDA—but are your meds safe?

By Maia Szalavitz for MSN Health & Fitness

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When the AIDS activist group ACT UP staged a protest in 1988 in which it “seized control of the FDA,” it responded to widespread frustration with the agency. The FDA was seen as slow, bureaucratic and unresponsive to the plight of patients who needed better drugs—immediately.
Shortly afterwards, the drug approval process was streamlined and dying patients without alternatives were given early access to promising medications. For drugs given “priority review,” approval times dropped from just under three years in 1986 to as little as six months in 1995.
Now, however, many wonder if the FDA went too far in speeding up the approval process of drugs. Critics claim tragic failures like the approval of the painkiller Vioxx, which may have caused up to 100,000 heart attack and stroke deaths, are a direct result of prioritizing speed over safety reviews.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

America’s Healthiest Restaurants

You work out. You watch what you eat. But you don’t want to have to prepare every meal at home for the sake of your health—nor should you have to. We surveyed chain restaurants and found 10 surprisingly healthy standouts. Hit our top 10 for whole foods, good-for-you fats, even green vegetables on—gasp!—the children’s menu. Read on for the winners, great fast-food options, plus, how to eat out without gaining a pound.

And Now ... America's Not-So-Healthiest Restaurants

by Tracey Minkin

The worst of the rest.
Not everything was so rosy out there. Below, some of the scarier items we came across in our travels.

Scary chicken: At Chili's, 1 serving of Crispy Honey Chipotle
Crispers (no dressing) just laid 1,890 calories at your door.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lifting Weights: More Than Just Picking Heavy Objects

From BBC News:

Weight training could be as effective as endurance exercises like running when it comes to burning fat and warding off diabetes, a study suggests. American scientists created mice which carried a gene that, when switched on, gave them muscles similar to those produced by weight training. When the gene was off, the mice - which were fed a fast food diet - became obese and developed liver problems. But when on, the same mice burned up fat, the Cell Metabolism study said. In addition, the fatty liver disease it had developed while the gene was off disappeared, and it stopped being resistant to insulin, a condition which can lead to type II diabetes.

The team from the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) genetically engineered the mouse to grow a certain type of muscle - known as Type II - which develops as a result of resistance training. This is different to the muscle which forms as a result of endurance training such as running, known as Type I.

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